
Preconception Nutrition :
Increasing Fertility

More and more preconception nutrition research is showing that food and healthy nutrition are tied to fertility health. There are nutritional needs for both men and women. Additionally, there are nutritional things which can be consumed that can hinder fertility.

A nutrient that can benefit both of youOysters contain high levels of zinc, which is a nutrient that contributes to semen and testosterone production in men, and in ovulation and fertility in women. There are several studies that indicate that deficiencies in zinc impede upon both male and female fertility. Maintaining the recommended dietary allowance of zinc (15 mg a day) can help keep your reproductive system functioning well.
The Nutritional Rule: Maintaining a diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and dairy products should provide you with the recommended dietary allowance of vitamins and minerals for proper reproductive functioning.

Preconception Nutrition Preparation:

Begin making healthy changes three months to a year before you conceive. The evidence shows that healthy nutrition and fertility is linked for both men and women. Below is a list of suggestions for healthy nutrition prior to conception.

Folic Acid: The U.S. Public Health Service recommends that women of childbearing age obtain 400 micrograms (0.4 milligrams) of folate or folic acid each day. This B vitamin helps reduce a baby’s risk of neural tube birth defects such as spina bifida. If your family has a history of neural tube defects, your doctor may increase your daily intake. Folic acid may be obtained naturally through dark green leafy vegetables (i.e. spinach), citrus fruits, nuts, legumes, whole grains, and fortified breads and cereals. These foods can be supplemented with a prenatal vitamin which usually contains 800mcg of folic acid. Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin allowing your body to flush out excess amounts.
Calcium: It is recommended that women get at least 1,000 mgs (three 8 oz glasses of skim milk) of calcium a day if they are considering getting pregnant. Calcium may be obtained from natural sources such as cottage cheese, low-fat yogurt, canned salmon, sardines, rice, and cheese.
Supplements & Vitamins: In addition to a healthy diet, many healthcare providers will encourage supplements to increase the probability that you get all the nutrients you need.

Caffeine: It is important to wean yourself off of caffeine (including chocolate), because research has shown that more than 200-300 milligrams of caffeine per day may reduce fertility by 27 percent. Caffeine also impedes upon the body’s ability to absorb iron and calcium.

Things to Remove: Artificial sweeteners, alcohol, recreational drugs, and cigarettes all have the potential of harming your soon to be conceived baby.

Cervical Mucus and Your Fertility

watch this video to know how to determine the most fertile day in your menstrual cycle 

If you participate in any of the many TTC forums or message boards on the Internet, you have undoubtedly run across the following terms: cervical mucus (CM, for short), egg white cervical mucus (EWCM, for short), and fertile-quality cervical mucus. Cervical mucus certainly gets plenty of attention in TTC circles, and for good reason. Cervical mucus plays a fundamental role in the TTC process by nourishing and protecting sperm as it makes the long, arduous journey through the female reproductive tract to meet the egg. So, the more familiar you become with your cervical mucus, the more likely you are to become pregnant.
In simple terms, cervical mucus is a fluid secreted by the cervix, the production of which is stimulated by the hormone estrogen. Throughout your menstrual cycle, the amount and quality of cervical mucus that is produced fluctuates, and by observing these changes you can begin to predict the most fertile days in your cycle. As you approach ovulation, your estrogen levels begin to surge, which causes your cervix to secrete more cervical mucus that is of a so-called “fertile quality”. This fertile-quality cervical mucus, also known as egg white cervical mucus (EWCM), is clear and stretchy, similar to the consistency of egg whites, and is the perfect protective medium for sperm in terms of texture and pH. So, having enough egg white cervical mucus during your fertile window actually improves your chances of conceiving. And, by noticing when your body is producing egg white cervical mucus, you will be able to identify your most fertile days.
The most accurate way to identify changes in your cervical mucus is to collect and observe a sample of mucus on a daily basis. To do this, wash and dry your hands well, then insert your middle or index finger into your vagina, getting as close to your cervix as possible. Remove your finger and observe the consistency of the mucus sample by rolling the mucus between your thumb and finger and pressing your fingers together and then slowly moving them apart.
The following information describes the typical progression of the cervical mucus quantity and quality you can expect to see as you move through your menstrual cycle:
  • After your menstrual period: The production of cervical mucus is at its lowest immediately following your period, and some women report “dryness” during this time. But, over the next several days, more mucus will become present and it will like be yellow, cloudy, or white in color, and somewhat sticky to the touch.
  • As Your Ovulation Date Approaches: As you enter your fertile window, your cervical mucus will increase in quantity and moistness. Color may be cream-like in appearance.
  • At the Time of Ovulation: In the days immediately preceding ovulation, the production of cervical mucus will be at its highest and the consistency and color of the mucus will be similar to egg whites. Once you detect the presence of this fertile-quality cervical mucus, you will know you are in your most fertile days.
  • After Ovulation: After ovulation, the quantity of cervical mucus begins to decline and become thicker in consistency. Unfortunately, after tracking changes in your cervical mucus, you might find that you really don’t produce very much fertile-quality cervical mucus around the time of ovulation. Or, you might even realize that the cervical mucus you produce is “hostile”, meaning it is thick and sticky, instead of thin and stretchy. Either condition can hinder your reproductive efforts by making it difficult for sperm to travel efficiently and safely to the Fallopian tube to meet the egg for fertilization. Insufficient production of fertile quality cervical mucus or the presence of hostile cervical mucus may result from a variety of factors including diet, stress, hormonal issues, or even from taking prescription medications like Clomid.
If you notice that you are not producing a significant amount of cervical mucus during your fertile time of month, or that it is not “fertile quality” in nature, you might find the following suggestions helpful for improving your quantity and quality of cervical mucus. First and foremost, staying properly hydrated is very important, so be sure to incorporate plenty of water into your diet. Secondly, taking FertileCM, a dietary supplement designed to increase cervical mucus production and tone the lining of the uterus, can enhance your trying-to-conceive efforts. And finally, while you work to improve your cervical mucus production, consider using a sperm-friendly lubricant like the PreSeed product, which features a pH and consistency that is similar to egg white cervical mucus, during intercourse to help guarantee that as many sperm as possible will survive the journey through your reproductive tract. These products are all available at Fairhaven Health, a leading provider of natural, doctor-designed products to help couples conceive.

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